Crystal Grid for Activating Spiritual Gifts

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$90.00 CAD
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Crystal Energy Grid for activating and enhancing spiritual gifts.

Intentions for grid:

~ Opening to higher consciousness, accessing spiritual knowledge

~ Activating higher communication, intuition and inner vision, telepathy, psychic abilities

~ Linking intuition and intellect, clarity of higher mind

~ Truth, self-expression, creativity

~ Heightening and activating spiritual gifts and aligning with highest purpose

Affirmation(s): I am a spiritual being with powerful gifts and abilities to express and create. I am in tune and aligned with my intuition and receive clear messages from higher consciousness.

This crystal grid includes:

  • Druzy Azurite from Russia
  • Aquamarine crystals from Mozambique x2
  • Lapis Lazuli octagon shape stone from Afghanistan
  • Sapphire record keeper crystals from Madagascar x3
  • Larimar stone cabochon from Dominican Republic
  • Dumortierite in Quartz crystals from Brazil x3
  • Lemurian Quartz crystals from Colombia x 6
  • Blue Topaz tumbled stones from Brazil x2
  • 6" wood circle for base of grid
  • cotton drawstring pouch
  • a printout of how to work with the crystal grid and the crystal properties


Creating & Activating The Crystal Grid:

✧ These crystals have been cleansed and dedicated for your highest good

✧ Choose a sacred space for your grid where you can meditate, set your intentions, and ask for guidance

✧ Create a clear, focused intention and write it down or use the affirmation/intention stated above

✧ Lay out the crystals on the wood base while holding your intention

✧ As you arrange the crystals in the grid formation you are activating them

✧ Seal the grid by stating your intention or the suggested affirmation/intention

✧ The Crystal grid is now dedicated and activated and will hold its programmed intention until you clear it or dismantle the grid

✧ You can sit with the grid in meditation whenever you feel called to

✧ As your energy resonates with the grid, your vibration raises and so does your awareness of higher energy, enhancing your intuition and receiving messages


Crystal Properties:


  • Communicating one's truth, self-expression
  • Clarity in communication
  • Soothing, calming, cooling

Chakra: Throat 5th

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March.



  • Inner Vision & Insight
  • Development of the “psychic self”
  • Enhances intuition, psychic abilities, creativity,
  • Intellectual insight & breakthroughs
  • Stimulates & opens Third Eye
  • Connect with astral etheric realms
  • Promotes invincibility
  • Releasing barriers

Chakra: Third Eye 6th



  • Enhances clarity of vision
  • Stone of patience
  • Inner knowing, intuition
  • Truth seeking, tool for cutting through illusions on your awakening journey
  • Interpreting higher mind
  • Visionary awareness, heightened perception

Chakras: Third Eye 6th & Crown 7th


Lapis Lazuli

  • Stone of creative inner vision
  • Enhances communication and visualization
  • Accessing Higher Mind

Chakras: 3rd Eye 6th, and Throat 5th

Lapis is one of the birthstones for December.



  • Cooling, calming
  • Soothes Emotional Body
  • Communication
  • Self - Healing

Chakras: Throat 5th


Lemurian Quartz

High vibration Quartz crystals

  • Identified by the naturally occurring horizontal striations, ladder-like lines on the sides of the crystal
  • These lines represent records of information encoded during the time of ancient Lemuria, lost civilization
  • Cleansing and clearing negative energy & thought patterns
  • Accessing ancient knowledge, catalyzing energetic upgrades and expansion of consciousness
  • Remembering past in Lemuria, Atlantis and Starseed origins
  • Healing and understanding the past
  • Tool for spiritual, self-healing, meditation, energy work, Magick & ritual practices
  • Focuses intention and brings clarity to inner visions
  • Crystal energy tool for accessing higher consciousness and the Astral realms

    Chakras: All


    Blue Topaz

    • Visualization for creation, meditation, manifestation
    • Communication
    • Invention, discovery
    • Seeing through illusion, what is hidden
    • Balance & connection of Mind, Body, Spirit

    Chakra: Throat 5th


    Sapphire Record Keeper Crystals

    • Inner vision
    • Records of ancient wisdom
    • Heightened visual awareness
    • Clear organization of thoughts, & mental clarity
    • Synergy of intellect & intuitive insights
    • Clairvoyance
    • Third Eye Activation

    © Sacred Gemstone