Lemurian Quartz Self-Healed Crystal

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$89.00 CAD
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Natural high grade Lemurian Quartz self-healed crystal with Starbrary markings,  from Santander, Colombia.

Crystal measures approx. 

Length: 99mm

Width: 35mm

Depth/Thickness: 29mm

Weight: 112g


Lemurian Quartz Crystals

High vibration Quartz crystals

  • Exhibit horizontal step-ladder lines on the sides of the crystal
  • These lines represent records of information encoded in the Quartz from ancient Lemuria
  • Cleansing and clearing negative energy and thought patterns
  • Spiritual Tool for Self-Healing & Empowerment
  • Drawing in divine healing light
  • Accessing ancient knowledge
  • Remembering your past in Lemuria, Atlantis and Starseed origins
  • Healing and Understanding One’s Past
  • Focuses ones intention and brings clarity to inner visions
  • Crystal Energy tool for accessing higher consciousness



  • A crystal that naturally broke from its attachment point and then continued to grow
  • Usually, the base of a self-healed crystal will be covered in small Elestial terminations
  • Tool for energy healing, self-healing
  • Creating new pathways in self-perception 
  • Helps with accepting and integrating your past and moving on from trauma

STARBRARY QUARTZ (also see Etched Quartz)

  • Quartz crystals can store energy and information
  • Starbrary Quartz crystals are identified by markings, etchings, and symbols naturally occurring on the faces of Quartz crystals
  • Many Quartz crystals (and other types of minerals) exhibit etchings and markings, they are not uncommon, though some markings are exceptionally unique
  • They appear as geometric shapes, linear patterns, flowing lines, jagged etchings, triangles, circles, dots and lines, glyphs, doorways, portals, keys and all other etchings on the surfaces of these natural Quartz crystals
  • Starbrary Quartz crystals are essentially galactic libraries
  • The Crystal markings are encoded with records of information from other star systems
  • The appearance of these markings are cosmic programs of detailed information about the Earth, natural healing techniques, psychic & telepathic abilities, and how to raise our vibration to assist in the ascension from 3D to 5D
  • If you are called to a Starbrary Quartz crystal it has come to you for a reason and likely has information about your cosmic origins and your mission here on Earth in this timeline.
  • You can unlock this information through meditation, holding the crystal, gazing and tracing the markings with your fingers, and eyes, and working with the crystal to open the Third Eye and higher Chakras, opening channels to higher consciousness