Soul Path Alignment - Subliminal Audio / Video

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Soul Path Alignment ✩ New Life Initiation & Upgrades 

Relaxing subliminal affirmations - 18min audio and video downloads

With the relaxing sounds of ocean waves.

✩ ☆ ✩ Infused with Faden Quartz Quartz Crystal Energy✩ ☆ ✩

✩ Align with your Soul Path

✩ Download new codes of cosmic knowledge

✩ Upgrading your vibration and attuning to a higher frequency

✩ Initiating a fresh start, new beginning, new chapter of your journey

This subliminal is created to infuse and reprogram your subconscious mind with the following affirmations (not audible):

I am more than my physical body, I am more than my mind, I am more than this world, I am pure  energy

I am a beacon of light, transmitting and receiving energy

I release my past and old stories that no longer align with who I am becoming

I am ready for a new chapter of my journey

I am ready to receive new cosmic knowledge

I am ready for a deeper spiritual understanding

I am ready to align with my Soul Path and the highest version of myself

I am connected to the unified field of consciousness

I am connected to collective consciousness

I am connected to the source of all that is

I am one with all that is

I am aligned with cosmic consciousness

Connecting to my etheric blueprint

Raising my vibration as I attune to a higher frequency

I align with my Soul’s highest purpose

Downloading a cosmic knowledge upgrade

My inner knowing integrates the new codes of knowledge received from cosmic consciousness

Upgrading my etheric blueprint

Reprogramming old patterns of lack

With the knowing and belief that I am enough and I deserve better

Aligning with the new earth frequency and highest timeline for my highest purpose

I trust the universe shows me what I need to know when I am ready to know it

I trust that everything is happening for me in perfect divine timing for my highest good

My deeper Soul connection and alignment is initiating a new phase of my journey

I now embody the highest version of myself in alignment with my Soul path

You are more than your physical body, you are more than your mind, you are more than this world, you are pure energy

You are a beacon of light, transmitting and receiving energy

You release your past and you release old stories that no longer align with who you are becoming

You are ready for a new chapter of your journey

You are ready to receive new cosmic knowledge

You are ready for a deeper spiritual understanding

You are ready to align with your Soul Path and the highest version of yourself

You are connected to the unified field of consciousness

You are connected to collective consciousness

You are connected to the source of all that is

You are one with all that is

You are aligned with cosmic consciousness

Connecting to your etheric blueprint

Raising your vibration as you attune to a higher frequency

You align with your Soul’s highest purpose

Downloading a cosmic knowledge upgrade

Your inner knowing integrates the new codes of knowledge received from cosmic consciousness

Upgrading your etheric blueprint

Reprogramming old patterns of lack

With the knowing and belief that you are enough and you deserve better

Aligning with the new earth frequency and highest timeline for your highest purpose

You trust the universe shows you what you need to know when you are ready to know it

You trust that everything is happening for you in perfect divine timing for your highest good

Your deeper Soul connection and alignment is initiating a new phase of your journey

You now embody the highest version of yourself in alignment with your Soul path


Affirmations (inaudible) recorded over relaxing ocean waves sounds.

Download, Relax, Watch and Listen, 18 minutes long.

*Digital download ~ you will receive both the mp3 and mp4 files automatically by email once your purchase is complete

*No refunds or cancellations